Featuring Leocoril, the main character of the WEBTOON Way of the Living Weapon.This is a (hopefully) coherent collection of the most basic information on all past and current party members, relevant NPCs, and basic setting information to help people have a bit more context for curious minds!If you have any other questions relating the information given (or not given) in this Carrd, give me a follow on my Insta! I do occasional Q&A's and would love to answer any questions.Note - buttons labeled WIP will lead to unfinished pages, or nothing at all.- DM Perie
The Deck of Many has gone through quite a few changes within out two (nearly 3!) years of playing.The first to meet were Larkspur, Wisteria, and Leo, who met by complete chance on the road to the Bright Capital. Their encounter was incredibly tense, but found itself settled with the agreement that they would all travel together to the city.Upon reaching the Bright Capital, the trio (plus some other strange folks that tagged along, not worth the mention!) met Hingus, Wingus and Bingus. After they saved the city from the attack of small, plush critters that became feral, they were gifted a house by the city, thus a homebase was established.Unfortunately, their beloved home, The Shadeberry Estate, had some devastating skeletons in their closet. Beneath their home, the previous owners of the estate, cultist fanatics of a Betrayer Archfiend, worked away to unleash their god from the Hells. Dekkan Ironspine, a cleric from the High Church of Eona, was sent to deal with the matter, and became attached to the party, promptly moving in shortly after meeting, and helping the group officially establish themselves in the adventuring world as the Deck of Many.After reuniting with their father, Hingus, Wingus and Bingus decided to take their leave. In their stead, Calypso appeared, who took to the group fast despite most of the others' worries and suspicions of the new blood.Then, after a daring rescue mission to the Hells to retrieve one of their very own, Dekkan decided it best to depart to discover a way to free himself and the others from an unwise contract they made with the Archfiend Amoroth. After his departure is when Asphalt, the granddaughter of the estate's previous owners (aforementioned cultists) appeared seemingly out of thin air, claiming the home as her own and mighty confused to find the property given away by the crown. She and the party came to a truce, however, all deciding to live together despite bad blood.
The Castelet's are the ruling family of the Bright Capital, a grand, magical city located on the Glowing Sands Coast. They have a long and storied past, one filled with tragedy, betrayal, war and, for the past eighty years, peace.The nobles have been particularly present in the campaign, given their connection to a character's backstory (Leo via Lorién) and the party's particular closeness to one of the character's (Kal).
A grouping of all important characters that don't fall into the other two categories. These characters mentioned are honorary party members, backstory relevant, or have become narratively important to the point where they need to be mentioned for clarity's sake.
OOPSIE! This page is a WIP. Until all the info is compiled, take a gander at this coool map made by sinaheh :D
OCCUPATION: King of the Bright Capital
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
AGE: 50
HEIGHT: 5'11" / 180cm
The Castelet family’s history is a long and twisted one, and oftentimes bloody. Each past king and queen has their hands stained in red. Keryth, however, is probably the first in centuries to live in an era of peace.Keryth Castelet, the third in line to the throne, had long accepted he would never reign as king. Unfortunately, fate had other plans. At the age of 19, an unfortunate oversight of the kingdom’s defenses caused a lap in their arcane wards when their last line of protection, Archmage Rynn Wheatfellow, fell suddenly ill. With the lapse in proper protection, the palace was attacked by the agents of Dark Halo, a nefarious group of assassins hellbent on ending the royal bloodline. His grandmother, parents, and older siblings were cut down in the matter of one night, leaving Keryth the only survivor of his bloodline.Soon after, he was crowned king.Adjusting to the responsibilities thrusted upon him was difficult, but with Atlan Chesk, his grandmother’s advisor at his side, he eased into his position, but not happily. Feeling overwhelmed and stifled by his life and responsibilities, the young king snuck out of his castle to experience the Light's Solace festival. There, he met Cora.Cora and her young son Lorièn were sources of joy in his life that he once believed extinguished. Lorién could be a handful, but Keryth didn’t mind, and loved becoming the young boy’s father. The surprising and sudden addition of his and Cora’s son Kalceran, however, threw their lives for a loop, but the change wasn’t negative - at least, not to Cora and Keryth. They were beyond overjoyed to have their new addition in their lives. Their oldest was… less so.Lorién began to act out more frequently, and his erratic and cruel behavior came to a head on the day of Kalceran’s 7th birthday when Lorién made an attempt on his little brother’s life - and, for a second, succeeded, and would have succeeded entirely if Sebastian Valle of the High Temple had not been present.Keryth, the bleeding heart he was, couldn’t bare the thought of sending Lorién to rot away in the dungeons despite what he had done (like his mother had personally wished), so instead sent him away to the Abbey of Eona, hoping that they would be able to help him in ways they were never able to.
OCCUPATION: Queen of the Bright Capital
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
AGE: 44
HEIGHT: 6' / 182cm
Cora Hoggard was born to a poor pig farmer’s family in the village of Holmfirth. Young and naive at the age of 16, she fell for the charms of a man two years older than her named Ernest Dragonmir. Falling hard for a man who promised her the moon, she followed him to the Bright Capital, only to find that the fairytale living promised to her was nothing but a lie.Ernest was lazy, belligerent and abusive. He became increasingly absent after the birth of their son Lorién, only turning up to take Cora’s coin to waste on bad bets while Cora worked tirelessly to care for their child and earn enough coin to keep them afloat.Then one day, Ernest left on an errand and never returned.Cora, all things considered, managed to make things work. It was, however, no means an easy task. She had no family or friends, no support system she could rely on, and too much pride to seek out that assistance.Her picking up oddjobs led her to working on the square during the Light’s Solace festival. It was during this festival she met a particularly interesting elven man, who, despite her best efforts, couldn’t help but be drawn towards.This man, by complete coincidence, was the King of the Bright Capital and sovereign over the Glowing Sands Coast. And he had become equally drawn to the human commoner. It wasn’t long until through these circumstances, Keryth Castelet took Cora Hoggard as his wife, and thrusted Cora and her son into the life of lavish royalty.
OCCUPATION: Royal Advisor to the King
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
AGE: ---
HEIGHT: 6'2" / 187cm
Very little is known of Atlan Chesk’s history. Before advising for the current king, Atlan Chesk was the most trusted and respected royal advisor to Queen Orstina Castelet. After her death, he took on the same role for her grandson to help guide him through the complex and dangerous world of Idurian politics.In the present, Atlan devotes himself to a number of duties, of which he does often without verbal complaint. He continues to offer guidance to the king of the Bright Capital, and now tutors the young crown prince in the ways of the arcane.Though not actively a member, Atlan Chesk is a member of the Arcane Council; a council of archmages that exist across Idura. He only takes an honorary title within their ranks, as he has no magic himself, but still holds such a title for mentoring three of their other members; Rynn Wheatfellow, previous archmage of the Bright Capital; Nesca Strongmantle, current archmage of the Bright Capital; and Nyxwing.
OCCUPATION: Leader of the Monastery
CLASS: Monk (Way of the Open Hand)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 6'3" / 191cm
Lorién was born in the Bright Capital as a commoner. He was the first born to his father (Ernest) and mother (Cora). Ernest wasn't the best of fathers and ended up leaving the family when Lorién was just around three years old. Cora ended up remarrying after meeting the king and both Lorién and his mother moved into the castle.For some time, Lorién was considered the crown prince, but that title was taken from him when his mother and the king had a baby boy Kalceran. Lorién was a troubled kid from birth and his temper only worsened as he grew older. As years passed he also started hating his little brother for stealing the future crown from him.On Kal's 7th birthday, when Lorién was only 17, he took a table knife and stabbed the prince, killing him. Kal was brought back to life by the High Priest and, as punishment, Lorién was banished from the family.Lorién was sent to the monastery for troubled boys, the Abbey of Eona. This is where he learned to fight like a monk and became extremely good at it. Through his years at the monastery Lorién managed to talk (& manipulate) his way to the top and is now in charge of the whole place.
Text provided by Sinaheh
OCCUPATION: Crown Prince of the Bright Capital
SPECIES: High Elf, Human
CLASS: Wizard (School of Abjuration)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 5'8" / 172cm
Kalceran Castelet was, by all means, a surprise and a miracle to his parents, the King and Queen of the Bright Capital, who weren’t certain they’d ever be able to concieve together. As he was the true-born son to the king, Kalceran became the crown prince, next in line for the throne.His older brother, Lorién, was not the natural-born son to his father, being the bastard son of his mother’s past relationship. While both were treated as equal and doted on extensively from their parents, resentment began to grow in the older sibling, who treated the younger with resentment and hatred even from when they were little. Then, on the day of Kalceran’s 7th birthday, he snapped and attacked the young crown prince.By the grace of the goddess, the high priest of the Sun Temple was able to save Kal’s life with a Revivify spell. For less than a minute, Kalceran had been deceased: an event that had changed the bright and happy boy into an anxious, quiet, paranoid child.His brother was sent away in the wake of the incident, and his parents became strict, rarely allowing the young prince the freedom to leave the castle’s walls, or even go many places within the palace without some sort of supervision. He threw himself into books to chase away his boredom and cope with what had happened to him.Following the events of the campaign, he met the party completely by accident after sneaking away from the castle to experience the thrills of the city's annual Bright Festival, only to be swept up in the chaos as the plush prizes of the carnival games came to life and began attacking the locals. Since then, Kal has been practically inseparable from the group, particularly Leocoril, the half-elf boy of which he's grown incredibly fond for, that of whom he has shared traumas with.
SPECIES: Human, elvish (Wood elf heritage)
CLASS: Rogue
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
AGE: 41
HEIGHT: 5’9” / 175cm
Alistar Humblefoot is Leocoril’s estranged father. He grew up without money or a family, so he quickly turned to thieving and other petty crimes. In his youth, he and another petty thief took on the ultimate challenge a petty thief could take: stealing from the god of thievery himself, a task meant to be impossible that the two somehow managed.However, the master thief had put this grand prize of thievery away, a simplistic looking grey colored cloak, after meeting Leo’s mother, choosing to instead start a domestic and cozy life and start a family. But dire situations pushed the half elf man back into the life of crime, and once again he donned his cloak as he attempted to take on a massive heist that would set himself, his wife, and their newborn up for life.However, he soon came to suffer the curse placed upon the cloak: the cloak itself was a thief, one that stole memories and turned the one who wore it into a being driven only by greed. So he just. Forgot he had a family. And left. Leo would’ve been about two when this happened.This got him involved with a small thieves’ guild called The Expendables, who decided to take on their biggest hit yet: kidnapping the prince of the Bright Capital and holding him for the fattest ransom. Alistar was the one put up to the task. The party had successfully put a stop to the kidnapping attempt, and followed up by finding the guild and putting a stop to them. The party’s cleric, Dekkan, realized he was cursed, so requested to be allowed to do a ritual that would remove his curse. The ritual was a success, allowing Alistar’s memory to return, and he immediately recognized Leo.Even though he wasn’t in the right state of mind, he still did try to kidnap the prince. So instead of putting him to death, the king and queen sentenced him to the dungeon.
SPECIES: Tiefling
CLASS: Fighter (Champion)
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 5'11" / 180cm
Debauchery is Vice's only family - not necessarily by blood, as other lesser fiends that share their bloodline exist aplenty across the nine layers of the Hells. At the very least, Debauchery is assumed to be some child of a sibling Vice never knew. Whether this is true or not never really mattered, as the soft-hearted devil didn't hesitate to take the half-blood fiend under his care, and wouldn't have regardless of where they came from.Besides their relationship with their uncle, the party knows very little about Debauchery, their upbringing, and other such facts of their life besides that they tend to keep a low profile within the party's life, choosing to stick to the comforts of the room they keep in the party's estate.
CLASS: Wizard (Necromancy)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 5’9” / 175cm
Milo was born the second child to the holy family, very quickly at a young age his interests diverged from the church and religious texts to ones of the arcane. With a faint spark of magic already within him, his innate ability brought the attention of the archmage Nesca, who took him in as her star pupil as soon as he was of age to start practicing.Milo was a challenging child, at least for his father. He had very little interest in the gods, and often - in embarrassing situations for his parents, no less - questioned the higher power’s authority. This made his father beyond furious, while Nesca, his teacher in the arcane, was simply amused and encouraged these lines of thought.In his life, Milo has only ever been truly close to three individuals: his brother, his mother, and Dekkan Ironspine, the old, lonely bookkeeper who worked within the temple's private library. While maybe depressing from an outside perspective, he did not mind. It's all he's felt he'd needed, anyways.He, at his brother’s request, joined him on his holy mission, accompanied by a handful of mercenaries Milo did not bother to get to know. Not that it mattered in the end anyways, as they were all killed, including his brother, who were jumped by an unseen enemy, dead almost immediately.Milo remained missing for some time after this incident, his whereabouts unknown. When he returned to the Bright Capital, he was missing an eye and within his possession, a book bound in human flesh.Milo has become a prevalent and recurring character in the Deck of Many's lives, from his father-son dynamic with Dekkan Ironspine, strained acquaintanceship with Asphalt, and strange partnership/situationship/whatever he's got going on with Larkspur.

SPECIES: ??? Cat ???
ROLE: Larkspur's Patron
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
PRONOUNS: He/him/cat
AGE: ???
HEIGHT: Cat height
The Nameless is a creature of shadows that haunts one keeper of of three ancient tomes, Larkspur. He is a mysterious feline-like figure formed in shadow that is capable of human speech, who urges Larkspur to find locate the other two tomes of his, lest the world fall to chaos and disaster.He remains only to be seen by Larkspur, with one exception being a moment in where he revealed himself to Wisteria.
SPECIES: Lesser fiend (Flavored tiefling)
CLASS: Fighter/Barbarian Multiclass
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
AGE: Late 90's
HEIGHT: 7' / 213cm
Born of the realm of fire and brimstone, Vice, previously known as '251', is one of hundreds of lesser fiends born every year destined to fight and die in the endless war between the Devil King's army and the Betrayer Fiends of the Nine Circles of the Hells.251 has always been a strangely soft-hearted fiend, even with all of life's hardships and betrayals. So, when a young tiefling fell into his lap, he immediately felt great care for the child, and decided he'd do anything to protect them from the horrors of war.251 made a deal with a powerful archfiend, Amoroth of the Red Manor. 251 became her seventh spouse, and she promptly renamed 251-and the small tiefling he was accompanied with-Vice and Debauchery, respectively.A tip put in to the Hellish authorities by one very jealous wife led to Debauchery being declared a deserter of war, and sent to the front lines for their crimes. With Debauchery gone, the terms of Vice and Amoroth's contract was now breached. The archfiend panicked, and coerced another contract from the panicked lesser fiend - Amoroth facilitated a new contract, a union between Vice and another archfiend known as Durak'eth the Disemboweler, who just so happened to be the general of which Debauchery was now under.Vice was sent to Durak'eth's side, once more reunited with his nibling, but now trapped under not just one, but two suffocating fiendish contracts.Then, one day, a fugitive attempted to escape the Hells into the Mortal Plane, and Vice followed in suite - on the other side, he met Dekkan, and the rest of the Deck of Many. From that point on, his life changed in ways he could have never possibly dreamed.In the present, Vice boasts a close relationship with the entire party, especially with Dekkan Ironspine. After the party valiantly rescued him from the Hells, he decided to leave at Dekkan's side to help him find a way to undo Dekkan's and the rest of the party's deal with his wife, Amoroth.
SPECIES: Earth Genasi
CLASS: Druid (Circle of Dreams)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 5'6" / 168cm
Asphalt was born from an affair her mother had with a fey. Coming from such a troubling family, she's always looked for a place to belong. Cutting her studies under archmage Nesca short, she decided to look for meaning elsewhere and went backpacking across the continent. 2 years later, she returns to inherit her family's old estate where she finds a group of people already living in...Ash is an honest girl who says what she thinks and does not do as she's told. She has an insatiable obsession with the fey realm, as she knows her real father is from there. She will do anything to find him. Though, that might not be the answer to her hearts problems....
Text provided by Shanuraru
CLASS: Barbarian (Path of Wild Magic)/Ranger (Drakewarden) Multiclass
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
AGE: 350
HEIGHT: 7' / 213cm
Calypso lived in the feywild for many years of her life, when on many ventures as the small time thief she was, had her young daughter Sunni. Eventually all that happiness would be taken away from her, all she feels is rage…After being sent to the mortal plain she ventures off to many places in Idura, making new friends with Bongiovi, obtaining a drake from a dragon. She finds herself in a guild hall meeting the Deck of Many for their first time.As time passes she truly feels at home with this strange group of adventurers, Calypso feels as though she found the family she always wanted waiting for her. Even through thick and thin she will care and love for all of them even if the threats of her own past starting to come to light with their next venture heading to the Feywild…
Text provided by Spoopyspoopybu
SPECIES: Mountain Dwarf
CLASS: Cleric (Light Domain)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
AGE: 251
HEIGHT: 4'5" / 134cm
Dekkan has lived a long life, which most of it he has spent in war. Dekkan fought and survived through the 100 year old war that swept the continent and has been living the rest of his life trying to make amends for his sins.Waking up from a battlefield with fallen friends and foes all around him, Dekkan sees a golden light in the distance. He follows this light into the holy city of Bright Capital, where he puts his experience as a soldier to good use, and becomes a cleric, fighting the forces of evil and undead.His beliefs are put into question when the people around him show that not all evil is corrupt and not all things good stay that way...
Text provided by Shanuraru
SPECIES: Three Kobolds in a Trenchcoat
CLASS: Rogue (Thief)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
PRONOUNS: They/Them (He/Him Individually)
AGE: 3 years
HEIGHT: 6'6" / 198cm
Hingus, Bingus, and Wingus are the stacked up kobolds that used to be a big part of the Deck of Many. They lived in the Bright Capital’s sewers for as long as they can remember which isn’t much as they are only 3 years old.Meeting the Deck of Many when they had finally surfaced to the city during a festival turned disaster, they joined the group in combat saving the kingdom's crown prince Kal. The boys, once reunited with their Father Bongiovi they said their goodbyes to their friends and left into the sunset.
Text provided by Spoopyspoopybu
SPECIES: Tiefling
CLASS: Warlock (Undying; Pact of the Tome)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6'11" / 210cm
Larkspur, with a cursed tome in one hand and his twin sister's hand in his other, was leaving home when he stumbled upon the antecedent Deck of Many.Outwardly abrasive, Larkspur comes off as very full of himself. His abnormally tall and fiendish silhouette with eyes like black pearls contribute to an intimidating confidence which, paired with his sarcastic dark humor, help to convolute his true intentions.Just beneath the surface, Larkspur has a full, beating heart plagued with newfound responsibilities and their consequential pressures. His journey is just as much a metaphorical one as it is a literal one as he navigates relationships with found family, blood family, a love interest, his shadowy patron, and himself.
Text provided by Wanderwisp
SPECIES: Human, elvish (wood elf heritage)
CLASS: Monk (Way of the Drunken Master)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 5'11" / 181cm
Leocoril bumped into the group while running away from his past. He had just left the Monastery for Troubled Boys: Abbey of Eona, and was fleeing from his mentor Lorién, ex-royalty of the Bright Capital. Seeking for food and a way out of his situation the boy joined the group of travelers.Life at the monastery wasn't the kindest to Leo, having to survive the mean monastery kids and his mentor's harsh ways of teaching, and it left him apprehensive and shy. Time living and adventuring with his new found family has however brought back a glimpse of the curious and quick witted teenager he once used to be. He's taken the role as the youngest of the family and has grown attached to most of his fellow travellers, as well as his love interest Kal, the prince of the Bright Capital.His life before the party is an unspoken topic and it would be a shame if his past, especially a certain blond bastard prince, caught up to him one day.
Text provided by Sinaheh
SPECIES: Tiefling
CLASS: Sorcerer (Shadow Magic)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6'11" / 210cm
Wisteria is a fiery young tiefling with more heart than brain. Despite being Larkspur’s twin sister, Wisteria could not be more different. Her kind heart and silly demeanor cast rainbows and sparkles onto her brother’s brooding, sarcastic personality.Join Wisteria on her journey to unravel the mysteries of her past and discover the wonders of hypnosis and sleep-therapy.The Deck of Many has taught Wisteria the power of friendship, found family, and defending your own, to hell and back.
Text provided by Alexa <3